Building Relationships With Customer Through Transparency & Mutual Agreement
Quotation is a formal document, that explains your business's pricing and informs your customers the clear cost of the work they requested. When a customer asks for a quote, they are seriously considering to use your service.
With Quotation+, businesses are able to show and print the quotation of a service job to inform their customers of the potential costs before starting the service job. This helps in encouraging transparency between you and your customers, which makes them more likely to purchase your service as they are able to understand further on the pricing & services offered.
In addition, providing a quotation helps in preventing any potential disputes from arising between the store and customers. Especially in situations, where a customer refuses to pay for a service job as they do not know clearly of the services they are paying for and may not agree to some services done after the service job is completed. Hence, by providing a quotation, the customer will be aware of the services they are paying for as well as provide consent to the agreed service job and pricing.